Geek Radio

Music fan, music geek. You say potato, I say Tater Tot. This is for anyone interested in listening to new music. Some songs you may have already heard on the radio and some may not fit in with the current radio culture. Listen to my player while you go about your business. I will give information on one of the artists every week or so. If I’ve seen them live I‘ll add video and pictures, otherwise I’ll just give a brief defense as to why I included them on my playlist. Feel free to tell me which bands you like, and which ones you don’t. And even a music geek knows that Tater Tots are superior.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

#7 Mason Jennings

Ok, I have been a little blogging remiss. Number seven (on my random list of musicians people should listen to at least one time) is Mason Jennings.

Sometimes I get in a happy musical rut, where I want to hear a particular song at least one time every day. I'm like a toddler who wants to have the same book read to me every night before I go to bed. Yes, Green Eggs and Ham again. That's how I've been lately with Mason Jenning's "If You Need a Reason."

This song is poetry. The lyrics flow in a stream of rhyming consciousness that capture his search for someone who will say to him, "If you need a reason as to why you're here, you don't need to look farther than me."

Any men in the Geek Radio audience take note. If you want to let a woman know you're interested in her play this song. "All that's missing, all that's lost. Every hope at any cost. Every dream too good to come true, floods my heart when I'm with you. And if you need a reason as to why you're here, you don't need to look farther than me." Let her know that you think of her when you hear those lyrics. Maybe not until at least the second date though...

Here is another Mason Jennings song, "Be Here Now" captured by reinarama:

His website:

His MySpace:

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